Stilled My Soul
I studied for a test in Management this morning while listening to the Sons of Korah.
College is so in-your-face and self-driven and go-go-go that I was blown away by this delightful little acoustic retelling of Psalm 131. Here's the lyrics (which, like all their songs, is straight from the Bible.)
My heart is not proud, Lord
My eyes not haughty
I do not concern myself
With things too great
Or wonderful
For me
But I have stilled, Lord
I've stilled my soul
Like a child weaned in its mother's arms
So I am still, so still
In my soul
In me
Oh, Israel!
Hope in the Lord
Hope in the Lord
College is so in-your-face and self-driven and go-go-go that I was blown away by this delightful little acoustic retelling of Psalm 131. Here's the lyrics (which, like all their songs, is straight from the Bible.)
My heart is not proud, Lord
My eyes not haughty
I do not concern myself
With things too great
Or wonderful
For me
But I have stilled, Lord
I've stilled my soul
Like a child weaned in its mother's arms
So I am still, so still
In my soul
In me
Oh, Israel!
Hope in the Lord
Hope in the Lord
...seeing how it's almost the first of March, and all.
***Rest in You***
Grace, this world's sweetest fragrance, poured out at the highest cost,
And life, Heaven's holy offer, draws each weary soul unto a cross.
I will rest in You.
I will rest in You,
Not just when this race is over,
But in these earthly moments, too.
I will rest in You.
You give me hope, shining every moment, like Eden's dawn upon the scene.
You give me peace like the gentle breezes brush the snowy flocks on hills of green.
I will rest in You.
I will rest in You,
Not just when this race is over,
But in these earthly moments, too.
I will rest in You.
Oh, great and gracious One,
For all my days...
For all You've done...
I will rest in You.
I will rest in You,
Not just when this race is over,
But in these earthly moments, too.
I will rest in You.
*** ***
It's almost wrong to separate the words from their melody. :) All the same, I hope you'll continue to find the beauty of being still before God and reveling in the rest His Spirit brings.
The Lord bless you, my friend!
P.S. I, too, have been having late night headaches...I can empathize; I hope you'll be free of them, very soon. :)
Also, I'm sorry this comment got to be so long; I'll try to restrain my words, from now on. :)
Hope you're doing well, since I never see you anymore. :)