Luddie's Former Life ;)
Houston, the Shiny has landed.

By Luddie
Last Saturday night, there was a big fireworks display on the beach in Pohang. I wasn't initially planning on going, not knowing exactly where it was and having no one to go with, but John got me. We hopped on some random bikes and went pedaling for the beach. We soon realized we wouldn't make it, since we started too late, but we stopped on a mountain dug out for road construction and had a nice, private, cool long-distance view of the show.

Last night was Korea's first game in the World Cup (soccer, for the completely uninitiated, like me). To this day, I can't recall watching an entire soccer match through. The closest I came was one of the collegiate games at LETU, but even then, it was a newspaper assignment.

This first game was the biggest sports celebration I've ever seen. Americans just don't have the same passion for any sport, even football or baseball, that many other nationals have for soccer. These people would scream and shout and almost dance, when their team simply had the ball. When they made a score, it is unusual *not* to get a slap or hug from a screaming fan.

Handong provided their own pre-show and halftime show.

Admittedly, I have no strong emotional ties with soccer, or the performance of teams from Togo or South Korea. I do favor a degree of sportsmanship, in any game, along the lines of not laughing out loud when an opposing player slips, injures himself and rolls on the ground in agony.

For the Koreans I was with, it was more a matter of, well, nationalism I would call it. Korea is the best. Korea can't be stopped. Korea couldn't care if their team played a bunch of cripples because it's all about winning. We base our national pride on whether we can outplay a tiny African nation. Go Korea.

I'm a foreigner so how could I "get it."

4 comments so far.

  1. C. Bright 6/14/2006 10:52 AM
    Wild enthusiasm for a sporting match is okay as long as no one gets stomped to death. That's were I draw the line.
  2. Suzanne 6/14/2006 10:55 AM
    ... sorry, that previous comment was dear ol' me. I guess I forgot to sign off Cabbage and sign in myself.
  3. Amy 6/14/2006 11:21 AM
    Almost every fireworks display I've ever seen has been from a "private, cool, long-distance" vantage point. :) (Not that it's ever been purposeful, but one can enjoy all the majesty without having to wonder about one's hair getting singed.) :)

    The only sport I've ever enjoyed watching is basketball, and that's only several times a year. (I'm such an awful fan, I know it.) :) I think I'd probably enjoy soccer, however; I like games that are full of speed.

    Some of my best friends are Brazilian, so I know how integrally the game can be a part of life. :) Let me know who wins, in the end, as I probably won't remember to check for myself...

    Enjoy the Korean life there for awhile, and be sure to take care of yourself. I'm glad you're having some fun. (I really hope "handwriting the Constitution" went well for you.) Blessings! :)
  4. Strider 6/18/2006 5:28 PM
    "El futbol es vida"
    -football (soccer) is life - something you hear from pretty much any Ecuadorean. We had people parading the streets, with horns blaring and people cheering for every single time Ecuador scored a goal. It's pretty cool.

Something to say?