Well, OK.
I just had the Blog Apocalypse of 2006, which means my mouse accidentally selected too much of my HTML template and thusly I ended up saving something wrong. I have an old version of the template that I can work with to get it back but for now I am making just the home page pink to motivate me to get it fixed soon.
Tomorrow is a very busy day and I have emails to answer and pictures of the weekend to upload, 3 hours of English tutoring to do and I never did finish the term paper. So, bask in the pinkness.
I very nearly used the word "facilitater" in my term paper (which, combined with its shortened form 'tater', I thought the funniest thing all day), so it is obviously time to throw in the towel, hit the sack and all those other crazy idioms.
I thought this quote fitting:
"One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important."
Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)
I just had the Blog Apocalypse of 2006, which means my mouse accidentally selected too much of my HTML template and thusly I ended up saving something wrong. I have an old version of the template that I can work with to get it back but for now I am making just the home page pink to motivate me to get it fixed soon.
Tomorrow is a very busy day and I have emails to answer and pictures of the weekend to upload, 3 hours of English tutoring to do and I never did finish the term paper. So, bask in the pinkness.
I very nearly used the word "facilitater" in my term paper (which, combined with its shortened form 'tater', I thought the funniest thing all day), so it is obviously time to throw in the towel, hit the sack and all those other crazy idioms.
I thought this quote fitting:
"One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important."
Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)
When I have something I really have to "get to" doing, I write it on the back of my hand with a pen and am given excellent incentive to speedily finalize the required task so I can remove the "to-do tattoo" from my delicate skin. :) (Also, my mother says it isn't very lady-like, and I'm quite inclined to agree.) Thanks for the unexpected smile!
P.S. While you're trying to nurse your blog back to health, perhaps the rosy hue will soothe your mind, as its been proven able in times past (pre-flood, of course, but I'm sure it still works.) :) Bye!
"Eat more veggies."
- Mom