Luddie's Former Life ;)
Houston, the Shiny has landed.

By Luddie
I was tired of writing on my term paper, so I decided to update. Here's a random picture of a kid walking back from school in downtown. Photo credit goes to my roomie Mukolo.

The post-midterms laziness has set in, a middle-of-the-semester effect I call the slacker solstice. The work should get more difficult as the semester draws to a close, which is coming coming coming.

I don't think of my time in terms of months; now, I count the weekends until I leave, which really represent my final opportunities to get out and about before I have to go.

For Korean History, my team project people and I finally got our act together and visited a bakery. Yes, our project is the history of Korean rice cakes.

We will try to make a few, or at the very least, take pictures and claim we had a hand in it.

The man was very obliging to answer all our questions, none of which I understood since it was all Korean. This is one of those projects where I really have to trust my teammates.

We visited at 6 in the morning since that is when he makes the new rice cakes every morning. It was cool to visit the street vendor part of town, when the shop owners are setting up and before all the buyers come.

It's my goal to finish this term paper today. I'm writing on legal issues in the computer gaming industry. It's actually a fun paper to write since it's a topic I enjoy (not just the gaming part, but the legal aspect too).

Life in the I-House grinds on. This is a dorm not renowned for its openness. So many international students from so many backgrounds make any kind of cohesiveness rather difficult, so people keep to themselves.

It's a far cry from 41, but at least it's a better place to study than the library. The guy next door to me is a diligent CounterStrike recruiter, copying his hallowed version 1.5 to anyone who says yes. We're also slowly making our way through the Band of Brothers series, which I'd never completely seen.

So apparently, tomorrow, I'm having lunch with the university president. My roomie Mukolo, a friend of President Kim's, Jordan and myself are going; not sure of the details beyond that.

There's some kind of I-House talent show next week and people have been pressuring me non-stop to sign up. I don't want to, but apparently this Russian guy will do some rapping that goes well with a guitar, so I agreed to accompany him. I'll let you know how acoustic Russian rapping goes, should be fun.

This weekend I'm going with a few guys to Seoul, to see the sights. It was a cheaper option for things to do during the school's mid-semester break. We'll leave for that sometime tomorrow afternoon.

I'm checking around on grad school application deadlines. It also occurred to me that I have to take the GRE sometime in the not-so-distant future. It's like the SAT, resurrected from its unholy pit and brimming with malice after four years with the undead. Yikezorz.

You know, if you try to pronounce GRE like a word, it sounds like someone getting stabbed.

So, the plan at this point is to graduate this December. I think I figured a way for that to work. It will save me quite a bit of money to do that, and allow me a semester to prep for the Big Leagues, as it were.

Well, I've dawdled long enough. Gotta write this paper, and then later, there's some kind of special chapel service, and students are supposed to hold national flags, and Mukolo asked me to represent the United States. Ummkay.

5 comments so far.

  1. Amy 5/16/2006 11:56 PM
    Hello there! It's good to hear how you're doing there. I'm looking forward to some "slacker solstice" and think it't a great term, by the way. :)

    I love the picture of the little boy! I've always enjoyed photography, and the scene's rather endearing, for some reason.

    You should really enjoy the Seoul area. I think the climate quite a bit more "tropical", but I found it quite lovely. Be sure to visit the Hun River and it's famed "Turtle boat". This is, however, most interesting if someone in your group can give you the wonderful history that led to its fame. :) Also, the "Praying Hands" building and Missionary Cemetery are filled with wonderful stories.

    The talent show sounds like it will be "unique". :) My mother always said none of her children were born to be "wall flowers", and I've really enjoyed living up to the statement. :)

    I'm glad you're getting to represent my beloved country. Make us proud when you hold the "Stars and Stripes". :)

    I, too, have a massive paper to write, so I'd better run for now...I hope your semester and future plans come together tremendously well. (A December graduation would be wise, wouldn't it? :)) Many blessings to you!

    P.S. A friend told me that your family is moving to Scotland this summer. I'm spending the whole of September in missions there. :) What is bringing them to that beautiful nation? :)
  2. Suzanne 5/17/2006 7:04 AM
    Aaah, you'll never outgrow the timed essay. In the adult world, I have people come up to me all the time and say,

    "I need to have that idea written in essay form and could you get it to me with a strong thesis up front and a good clincher in about 40 minutes? Thanks."
  3. Unknown 5/19/2006 12:16 PM
    mmm... counterstrike. I need to get me some of that.
    I too am counting the weekends before I move.
  4. Amy Thorne 5/19/2006 1:27 PM
    Ok, now that you've "sparked" all of our "interest" you *must* post a clip of acoustic Russian rapping. I am curious. And scared....
  5. Feanor 5/20/2006 11:43 PM
    The little kid looks really neat. I suspect that he's hiding hidden skilz.

Something to say?