Luddie's Former Life ;)
Houston, the Shiny has landed.

An Adventure in Laundry

By Luddie

Meh hehe. Touche, mi amigo.

That'll teach you not to put your random shirt and underwear in my clean clothes dryer.

I'm blogging your boxers.

6 comments so far.

  1. abu 11/02/2005 10:04 PM
    I had other people's clothes mixed with mine too, but that was because I just throw them into a running dryer. Saves on quarters.
  2. Suzanne 11/03/2005 7:02 AM
    No comment.

    Except you have to really concentrate early in the morning to type in the random letters for that silly word verification thingy down there.
  3. Amy Thorne 11/03/2005 6:37 PM
    Whoa, from now on I am going to come to your blog whenever I need my laugh fix. That, if I may say, is a sight to make peepers sore.

    Poor boxerless man....
  4. Ma Hoyt 11/05/2005 5:49 PM
    You look good in boxers. Consider wearing them on your head more often.
  5. Sharpton: The Knight's Disciple 11/06/2005 12:11 PM
    First off..."unclean"? Sheesh, that's nothing folks. You didn't live with this man for a year.
    Secondly, all I really care is that he is wearing a pair in the original intended place. I could care less what he puts on his head.
  6. Luddie 11/06/2005 12:36 PM

Something to say?