Luddie's Former Life ;)
Houston, the Shiny has landed.

A Thought upon Inspiration

By Luddie
I really should be writing a paper on Henry Adams, but I just had to stop and write this down.

The best writing just happens.

Forcing it drains it of all its originality and shine. Isn't it a pity that so often, we students have to write so-and-so many words on such-and-such a subject, to be turned in by this-and-this date. Without this framework, most of us wouldn't get anything done, which is necessarily a desirable result in the working world.

Why, or how, these little moments of inspiration come, I cannot say. I'm rather frightened that they come more often than I think, and I let them slip by rather than dropping everything and writing what is trying to get out of my head and on paper.

I know my own writing very well. It's boring -- needs editing, which it (unfortunately) rarely gets -- it doesn't get to the point because it wonders what really is the point.

I also know that sometimes I start scribbling away, or typing, and suddenly lean back and realize that something better has come. Calculably how, I can't say. But there it is, and by golly, it will have my name on it.

This has to be plagiarism, of a sort my mind steals from wherever better writing comes.

3 comments so far.

  1. Amy Thorne 10/04/2005 9:52 PM
    I am mostly dorky, but I do know that the best thing for writing is understanding how you do it (for me, that mostly leads to understanding how to improve it!). Thusly: hooray for you! I happen to know for a fact that your writing is uber swell (whoa, German and the fifties together must be some kind of literary boo-boo). If in doubt, look at your post! You always write in a wonderfully fresh, perceptive, and provocing way.

  2. Josh 10/04/2005 10:27 PM
    Hi Josh! whatever happened to your petition? you never mentioned it. ok I'm out. hope&faith
  3. Luddie 10/04/2005 10:30 PM
    Dude! Sorry I forgot to update on that. I got the last needed signatures and gave it to Spence. He was very surprised and happy to get it. I think he actually will move on our floor at some point, and he thought it was totally awesome that you had gotten so many recognizable signatures for us. Thank you, Master Bright! :)

Something to say?