Luddie's Former Life ;)
Houston, the Shiny has landed.


By Luddie
It was cool. Joss Whedon done himself good.

Now I sit, writing a diplomatic memorandum for President Woodrow Wilson. Well, he's dead, but if he were alive and I were one of his state department advisors... this might be what I give him. Not a boring assignment, if I ever just get around to doing it rather than blogging.

I have decided on a topic for my Lit Crit paper. I wrote an abstract saying I would write on Heart of Darkness, but in the end I found a poem that fits what I'd like to do with a Marxist analysis much better:

More About People
by Ogden Nash

When people aren't asking question
They're making suggestions
And when they're not doing one of those
They're either looking over your shoulder or stepping on your toes
And then as if that weren't enough to annoy you
They employ you.
Anybody at leisure
Incurs everybody's displeasure.
It seems to be very irking
To people at work to see other people not working,
So they tell you that work is wonderful medicine,
Just look at Firestone and Ford and Edison,
And they lecture you till they're out of breath or something
And then if you don't succumb they starve you to death or something.
All of which results in a nasty quirk:
That if you don't want to work you have to work to earn enough money so that you won't have to work.

Nash was a funny and brilliant guy, or at least I get that impression from his poems.

And now I have this unaccoutable desire to have a coffee machine in here so I can brew up something. I've tried long and hard to like tea, and as much as I enjoy it sometimes, it doesn't do for me what coffee regularly can. And I don't even drink coffee all that regularly.

This next week is AcoustiCafe and tryouts for the upcoming Talent Show. Hope to be singing in both.

And now I have to go back to being productive, as there is a party tonight I want to go to. Not sure what movies they'll show, but food is good.

1 comment so far.

  1. quirky 10/04/2005 2:24 PM
    hey, i liked the ogden nash site. good stuff.

    and on another completely different note, i just noticed what my link says on your side-bar. i had quite a fit of laughter. i don't know why. that's all. kbye.

Something to say?