Luddie's Former Life ;)
Houston, the Shiny has landed.

A Short, Serious Post, followed by what you *really* want

By Luddie
I went to bed at 11 PM last night with the intention of getting lots of sleep so that I could wake up actually refreshed for some early morning work. Something that really gets under my skin... is going to bed and lying there alone in the dark for TWO HOURS before finally falling asleep... sooooooo boring. Perhaps I should try reading. But that isn't going to bed is it. Enough of this sleeping rant.

Anyway, I'm doing surprisingly well on 5 hours of sleep. That's actually a decent night's sleep, come to think of it. I got up bright and early at 5:40 and walked out the door with Candace to go help some friends stack hay into their barn.

The sights and sounds of an early morning are something I haven't experienced in some time. I can't remember the last time I've watched a sunrise, or heard bird's chirping that excitedly, or smelled that moist, fresh scent in the air. Saying that sounds terrible I know, but it was true and I enjoyed this morning. The sun coming up was beautiful.

And I was very surprised when a decent half-hour of hay throwing didn't give me the sniffles. A family of friends at the RP church kindly provided gloves and a breakfast to all their volunteers. We unloaded 150 square bales into their barn, and got it done fast with all the manpower one could have asked for. Not a bad way to start off the day actually.

So that's all for the life of Ludwhig. And now for the mindless, comment-generating dribble! ;D

Today's Dilbert was hysterical...

I love the IT guy's suspenders AND belt. And the pointed ears. He's obviously some maligned otherworldly creature.

::gets evil ideas::

In other news, a slightly more scholarly approach to the pop/soda/coke controversy. I love the little streak of Dixie Rebels up there in Alaska. You go!

And here's this doctoral study of dialects, proving once again that Texans are the most enlightened people on earth. 'Nuff said, y'all.

7 comments so far.

  1. abu 8/01/2005 6:13 PM
    I am starting to think that one of the reasons I don't tend to go to bed early enough is that I like falling asleep almost instantly. --maybe if I go to bed regularly things would be better.
    Early morning outside is probably the best time of day.
  2. Abigail... 8/01/2005 9:51 PM
    When I was reading the comics today in my empty house...when I got to Dilbert...I SWEAR I laughed so echoed.
  3. bajema 8/01/2005 11:10 PM
    is there something wrong with me if i just didn't find that dilbert funny?
  4. Charity 8/02/2005 5:01 PM

    This is Charity (yes, the semi-weird gal from Covie! ;-)) I got your blog from your sister and thought I'd leave you comment. I know what you mean about lying in bed awake. That has got to be one of the worst things ever. I usually try praying about anything and everything. If you try praying for everyone you know, I'm sure you'll asleep before you get to too many people. At least, that's how it is for me. It's nice to be spacific in prayers sometimes. Okay, now I'm just rambling, so I'll stop.
  5. Luddie 8/02/2005 9:24 PM
    Hey Charity, yeah, I should definitely try that. :)
  6. Anonymous 8/03/2005 1:59 PM
    Yes, I think we have met before. I even made a cameo appearance alongside Dex in Duct Tape Man V: The Script. I don't go by Osmein in real life, though. That's just my internet name. You will be able to assign me a new name in a few weeks when I join my brother, Fjord, on floor 41.
  7. Suzanne 8/04/2005 2:16 PM
    Wow, I didn't know there were so many people who don't know how to pronounce "pecan" (pe - KAHN). Most of the people are wrong. That's weird.

    21. pecan
    a. [pi:kn] with stress on the first syllable ("PEE-can") (17.03%)
    b. [pi:kn] with stress on the second syllable ("pee-CAN") (9.02%)
    c. [pi:kn] with stress on the first syllable ("PEE-Kahn") (13.19%)
    d. [pi:kn] with stress on the second syllable ("pee-KAHN") (28.60%)
    e. [pkn] ("pick Ann") (1.48%)
    f. [pkn] ("pick Ahn") (20.92%)
    g. I pronounce it differently when it's alone than when it's in a compound like "pecan pie" (please state how you pronounce the two variants in the comments box) (6.24%)
    h. other (3.51%)

Something to say?