Next, the Silver Chair
Finished Voyage of the Dawn Treader today. Now I remember why it was my favorite Narnia book -- there was so much I had forgotten. It's just a good adventure story, espeically so because Lewis keeps the fantastic elements from seeming distant and antiquated.
Now to finish The Silver Chair and The Last Battle with enough time to make some headway in The Education of Henry Adams. It's for school (see Wilson's blog for more explanation).
Slowly but surely, work begins to come to a close. This was an unusually busy week: some VIPs came (had to set up a very troublesome digital projector), items coming and going on the eBay store, end of the month financial reports, etc.
My last batch of items to go up were kinda cool... a set of Madame Alexander dolls, a surprisingly popular piggy bank, a vintage sewing machine, a bunch of Star Trek episodes... even a cool retro washer/dryer. Going out of this job with a $500 bang on that spindrier would sure be nice. :)
All in all, this has been a very cool job. As jobs go, this has certainly been the best paying one I've ever had, and little perks like a car and an office were nice firsts. Soon I shall return to LETU, to grind out a few hours a week under the whip of Ms. Weatherall, carrying boxes, without so much as a golf cart. ;D
I made a few doortags for 41, and have been talking with some of the guys about plans for the fall. I'm excited to go back and start a whole new year, fresh, without any necessity of repeating the things I didn't like about last year. It's cool.
In other news, I was looking at LETU's AHM blog and noticed the link to the Longview Symphony website. Seems they redesigned their website -- and wow, what a lineup. I count 4 concerts this year that I can actually go to without season tickets. Too bad getting them from YAC is still cheaper. ;)
Now to finish The Silver Chair and The Last Battle with enough time to make some headway in The Education of Henry Adams. It's for school (see Wilson's blog for more explanation).
Slowly but surely, work begins to come to a close. This was an unusually busy week: some VIPs came (had to set up a very troublesome digital projector), items coming and going on the eBay store, end of the month financial reports, etc.
My last batch of items to go up were kinda cool... a set of Madame Alexander dolls, a surprisingly popular piggy bank, a vintage sewing machine, a bunch of Star Trek episodes... even a cool retro washer/dryer. Going out of this job with a $500 bang on that spindrier would sure be nice. :)
All in all, this has been a very cool job. As jobs go, this has certainly been the best paying one I've ever had, and little perks like a car and an office were nice firsts. Soon I shall return to LETU, to grind out a few hours a week under the whip of Ms. Weatherall, carrying boxes, without so much as a golf cart. ;D
I made a few doortags for 41, and have been talking with some of the guys about plans for the fall. I'm excited to go back and start a whole new year, fresh, without any necessity of repeating the things I didn't like about last year. It's cool.
In other news, I was looking at LETU's AHM blog and noticed the link to the Longview Symphony website. Seems they redesigned their website -- and wow, what a lineup. I count 4 concerts this year that I can actually go to without season tickets. Too bad getting them from YAC is still cheaper. ;)
::hangs head::
I'm old...