Luddie's Former Life ;)
Houston, the Shiny has landed.

Clumsy Day

By Luddie
That's what today is. Blah, people have tired days, happy days, bad hair days... I had a clumsy day.

I dropped a laptop and a box, tipped a cup of water at lunch (which I rarely do), and this muscle in my knee WILL NOT STOP TWITCHING. Why am I so jittery.

Thought: does lack of caffeine do this to you?

11 comments so far.

  1. Abigail... 7/27/2005 9:49 AM
    people have told me its bad to addicted to caffeine like that....but I say "pppshhhh!"

    And yes, the jitters CAN come from a LACK of coffee! :-)
  2. Karen 7/27/2005 1:17 PM
    COFFEE!!!!!! Drink it up my lad.
  3. abu 7/28/2005 10:27 PM
    gateway drug...
  4. bajema 7/29/2005 10:21 AM
    haha gateway drug! i remember that!
  5. Luddie 7/29/2005 11:57 AM
    No, it's not a gateway to anything. It's pretty much an end in itself, I think.
  6. Luddie 7/29/2005 1:24 PM
    Good times indeed.

    I, good sir, hold *all* the green noodles in my custody. If there be any noodle action this year, I strike first! Mwahahaha
  7. bajema 7/29/2005 1:31 PM
    coffee leads to heroine! its true! the gateway is wide open!
  8. Karen 7/29/2005 8:50 PM
    Sugar is an evil, and should never be put into coffee. Ok, so maybe it's not evil in and of itself, but it still should NEVER be put into coffee. Well, unless it's one of those fake coffee things that has whipped cream on the top, but in that case it's not considered coffee any more. So... anyway... if it's truly coffee, it should be taken black. ::nods emphatically::
  9. Luddie 7/29/2005 9:29 PM
  10. Anonymous 7/30/2005 11:52 PM
    ::sipping coffee:: Mmm...


    ::another sip::


    ::inhales the aroma::

    ::another sip::

    I've been up since five thirty...

    ::drains the cup::

    ::eye twitches::

    ::low maniacal laughter::

  11. Anonymous 7/31/2005 12:16 AM
    *Polishes off yet another cup of tea*

Something to say?