Luddie's Former Life ;)
Houston, the Shiny has landed.

Hah, I like traveling

By Luddie
But the week after next will have so much of it, I get tired just thinking about it. If I can get tired after a day in cars and airports, I suppose I should be glad I don't have to walk or go places on horseback or a covered wagon. Now *that* was travel.

Anywho, it's fun to set up. I'm happy because I just got an email back from Dr. Creel at UT saying he can actually visit with me! I was kinda surprised since that week before students start arriving is filled with meetings and such.

Still no word from the Rice people. UT gets +2 bonus points for answering their emails fast.

I was thinking hard of what else noteworthy has been happening and couldn't come up with anything... noteworthy. So, I shall now regale you with my Top 10 Reasons Why Napoleon Dynamite Is A Cool Movie.

10) It has tons of quotes that work almost *anywhere*. ("Like fifty of 'em. GAWSH!")
9) It has provided inspiration for some of the best skits I've seen.
8) It has a llama in it.
7) It has inspired kids everywhere with positive self-esteem about their moon-boots, high pants, and '80s glasses. Nerds can be loved too!
6) It educates us on the important SKILLS in life: numchuk skills, bowstaff skills, computer hacking skills.
5) Napoleon's "sweet jumps" teach us to never trust Hollywood's overdone motorcycle jump special effects.
4) Pedro makes a pinata of Summer, his school president opponent.
3) It proves that chickens do, in fact, have large talons.
2) It proves that the way to any girl's heart is to draw her picture, "or bake her a cake, or something." :D

And the number one reason Napoleon Dynamite is a cool movie?

1) The farmer guy shoots the cow in front of the school children!!!

That is all.

21 comments so far.

  1. Suzanne 8/05/2005 11:30 AM
    Farmers shooting cows? You MUST be a hick.
  2. abu 8/05/2005 12:00 PM
    What are you talking to Dr. Creel about? Are you into archaeology?
  3. Luddie 8/05/2005 1:00 PM
    Yeah. Still kinda searching for exactly what I'm going for here, but archaeology is what I'm telling everybody these days.
  4. Luddie 8/05/2005 1:01 PM
    And, to answer your first question, we were just going to talk about archaeology as a field, some of his thoughts. I'd come with questions of course, and I'll read some of his research. He actually did a project two years ago at an Indian site a few miles from my home in Texas.
  5. Anonymous 8/06/2005 2:08 AM
    I'm afraid I'd have to disagree with you on that one. My person opinion of Napoleon Dynomite: Please don't make me watch that movie again.
    Sorry, but that's the way it is.
  6. Amy Thorne 8/06/2005 4:59 PM
    Hardy har har. Funny beans here, mons. Yeah, the farmer shooting the cow is awesome, even though that's kinda sick of me.... Yeah, it's a dorky movie, and it really is pointless, but that's why we love it!
  7. quirky 8/06/2005 10:21 PM
    hey, just thought i'd add my name to the list of napolean dynomite freaks. i'm a fan!
  8. Charity 8/08/2005 9:41 AM
    I must say, I once said that "Napolean Dynamite" was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I mean, as I see it, most of the reason why people like it is beacuse everyone else likes it!

    No offence to anyone here. I have many, many friends who adore this movie. I just want to be different and speak out against it, I guess. ;-)
  9. Luddie 8/08/2005 10:31 AM
    Is it just me, or is the Napoleon Dynamite fan base a very limited demographic? As in, college people. Hmm, maybe that says something about college people. :D
  10. Feanor 8/08/2005 3:42 PM
    Hey hey hey watch it, I love that movie and I am NOT a college student, thank you very much!
  11. Anonymous 8/08/2005 5:26 PM
    I could be mistaken, but I'm guessing you got around to watching Casablanca. That, my friend, is a much better use of your time.
  12. Luddie 8/08/2005 6:01 PM
    Yes I did, and it was so cool!

    ::starts singing:: "As time goes by...."
  13. Anonymous 8/09/2005 12:21 AM
    Told ya.

    Not that you weren't already going to see it, but I like to take credit for things. It's a useful talent to have when writing résumés and CVs.
  14. Anonymous 8/09/2005 1:44 AM
    after each reason ND is a cool movie, i said "YESS!!" and agree with you on every single one and you are a genius. it was an extremely boring movie but so amazingly quotable, who could hate it? only weird kids.
  15. Anonymous 8/09/2005 1:45 AM
    also, i definitely thought the photograph/quote were from butch cassidy and the sundance kid. humphrey bogart style. i'm an idiot.
  16. Luddie 8/09/2005 8:30 AM
    Haven't seen that one, but yes, they probably got that line from Casablanca. I liked that movie a lot.

    Now I secretly want a "Rick's Cafe Americana" neon sign for my room. Oh well. ;)

    And Allison, you know, you really should get a blogger account; makes commenting easier and I can stop wondering who you are when you post with a different name. Or do you always say Allison?
  17. Amy Thorne 8/09/2005 10:32 AM
    This is pretty much the coolest new skin ever -- one must be honest -- because it has like one of the most good looking guys ever on it! (Heh, and you don't make it look bad, either, Josh. :p)

    You know, actuallly Humphery Bogart is kinda like Napolean Dynomite, if you think about it. He's not really good looking at all, just all the ladies of the world have got that irrevicably stuck in their head that he is. And alot of you guys have said that ND is really not that good of a movie in itself, and I agree, but I just like it because all my friends like it, and I like quoting it with them!

    Wait. I'm a dork. I'll leave.
  18. Anonymous 8/10/2005 4:44 PM
    dear l'ultimo re,
    you are not so much of a dork that your comments aren't appreciated. because they are. you are quite right.

    dear ludwhig,
    you would die of boredom reading my blogs compared to yours. but my link is on jordan's blog. nothing exciting whatsoever.

    love, allison
  19. Karen 8/12/2005 9:48 AM
    Actually, I didn't want to watch Napoleon Dynomite BECAUSE everyone liked it. Sometimes I'm just ornery like that. But I ended up watching it, and I did think it was kind of funny. Then I saw it for the second time and thought it was REALLY funny. It gets funnier each time you watch it.

    And we watched Cassablanca in Dr. Watson's film class. I thought it was ok, but really didn't see the big deal about it...
  20. Luddie 8/12/2005 10:58 AM
    "Of all the gin joints in all the towns in this crazy world, she had to walk into mine."

    Hahaha, too cool. See Karen, this movie, like Napoleon Dynamite, is all about the quotes.
  21. Karen 8/12/2005 4:11 PM
    Yeah, I suppose your right. For days afterward I kept calling people Sam, and telling them to play it, cause if she could take it, I could too. Hehe... good song.

Something to say?