Luddie's Former Life ;)
Houston, the Shiny has landed.


By Luddie
Hahahaha... the BBC's rather haughty report on the Spanish and French response to the recent 2012 Olympics decision.

I particularly laughed at this...

This nation [France] wanted a project that would unite it in these times of high unemployment, with France feeling it no longer quite knows how to deal with globalisation or its diminished place on the world stage.

This decision will exacerbate that general sense of malaise, especially as the winner is Paris' greatest rival, London. President Jacques Chirac had wanted to arrive for the G8 summit a winner.

Instead he comes as a three-time loser whose nation was pipped at the post by a victorious Britain.

A three-time loser? A general sense of malaise? Those are hardly courteous words from a chivalrous winner. Can't you just see a wild group of Brits yelling, "We pipped them at the post! Heheheh"

A different reporter for the BBC had this to say about New York's response to losing the Olympic bid:

In the end, New Yorkers will shrug their shoulders, knowing that other great things will be coming their way soon. The 2012 Olympics is just another stale-bagel of an idea now, and by lunchtime the rejection will be forgotten.

Stale bagel? Reporters are allowed to call something -- anything -- a stale-bagel of an idea? He must've just been hungry.

These heady Brits need journalism lessons, or better, a smack with a giant green noodle.

I won't deny that some of these reactions from the losers are funny, but such opinionated language should be reserved for quotes, and not the voice of the BBC. ;)

Too bad that the celebratory mood is largely gone after this morning's bombings. Hats off to the deceased and the families.

4 comments so far.

  1. Anonymous 7/07/2005 8:30 PM
    Say what you will, but I find British journalism highly amusing. Sure, it's often slanted, but you know exactly where their slant is, and it's fun to read. I enjoy reading The Register for tech news. They're biased, comical, often somewhat innacurate, and everyone loves them for it.

    On a sadder note, my thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families of this morning's attack. I just don't understand how people can do something like that.
  2. Anonymous 7/07/2005 10:26 PM
    So the British press doesn't dignify frivolous news the same way ours does. Would you rather hear that "French analysts dispute the claim that their nation is a sorry loser, alleging rather that John Bull is, quote, a pathetic poncy tosser (the Foreign Office could not be reached for comment)"?

    I can't say it's much of a loss.
  3. Luddie 7/08/2005 8:23 AM
    Good point Wilson. I can see the use in a site like the Register. Tech news, and it's a smaller site; that seems to lend itself more to getting away with some bias and humor.

    I still think this isn't quite in form for the BBC, which purports to be one of the most respected news agencies of the world. ;)
  4. Geoff 7/11/2005 12:40 AM
    If I had just wrecked the french, I would rub it in as well.

Something to say?