Luddie's Former Life ;)
Houston, the Shiny has landed.

Bah, I got tagged

By Luddie
Yes, my good pal Jordan selected five friends to fill this out. I made the list. ::sigh::

1] Favorite scent: Wow, this is a hard one. I guess, I like the smell of being in the mountains in the morning. Like, when you wake up after a night camping. The air is cool and moist, and if there's evergreens nearby, so much the better.
2] Favorite way to relax: Eat chocolate and listen to loud music, hands down.
3] Favorite movie you own: Spiderman 2 (the only movie I own!)
4] Favorite movie you don't already own: I want to own the Napoleon Dynamite DVD. :D
5] Favorite male movie star: Tom Hanks
6] Favorite female movie star: Yeah, I'm having problems with this one as well. I suppose... can I pick Ingrid Bergman? Is that allowed?
7] Favorite book genre: Historical novel
8] Favorite clothing store: (some!!!) things from American Eagle
9] Favorite non-clothing store: GameStop. I like talking to the clerks there, because we usually play the same games. :D
10] Favorite cartoon character: This one's easy. Dilbert.
11] Favorite CD you own(?): "Two" by The Calling
12] Favorite CD you don't already own: "Two Lefts Don't Make a Right... But Three Do" by Relient K
13] Pass the torch and tag five of your blogger/lj friends: No!

9 comments so far.

  1. Anonymous 7/08/2005 6:38 PM
    1] Favorite scent: Let's go with old paper.

    2] Favorite way to relax: A cuppa.

    3] Favorite movie you own: Eternal Sunshine.

    4] Favorite movie you don't already own: Rashomon, or maybe The Godfather.

    5] Favorite male movie star: Among contemporary actors, Johnny Depp has made a strong showing.

    6] Favorite female movie star: Ingrid Bergman works very well. Maybe Katharine Hepburn.

    7] Favorite book genre: Historical nonfiction.

    8] Favorite clothing store: Men's Wearhouse.

    9] Favorite non-clothing store: Half Price Books.

    10] Favorite cartoon character: Hobbes.

    11] Favorite CD you own: The Beatles 1

    12] Favorite CD you don't already own: I don't actually own anything by Weird Al.
  2. quirky 7/08/2005 10:32 PM
    you are just too kind to people by not putting five friends to force to take the quiz. though, with friends like wilson here, i guess you don't need to. i noticed you put hobbes down, wilson, and i was kicking myself for not doing the same. i guess i was thinking of ones i read in the paper everyday. and i just realized i should have have put tom hanks as my favorite actor. but too late i guess.
  3. Luddie 7/08/2005 10:57 PM
    Jordan... you *are* entitled to your own opinion!!! :D
  4. Luddie 7/09/2005 2:26 AM
    Keep it up! only three more
  5. Karen 7/09/2005 6:10 PM
    1] Favorite scent: Dave ;-)
    2] Favorite way to relax: Laugh til I cry, or take a warm bath by candle light and reading Pride and Prejudice
    3] Favorite movie you own: Hmm, Cat’s Don’t Dance… hehe
    4] Favorite movie you don't already own: The Kid
    5] Favorite male movie star: Johnny Depp and Denzel Washington (a wink for Kelly)
    6] Favorite female movie star: Dakota Fanning. She may be a kid, but she can sure act
    7] Favorite book genre: Fantasy
    8] Favorite clothing store: Um, Old Navy I guess…
    9] Favorite non-clothing store: Central Market ;-)
    10] Favorite cartoon character: Satchel
    11] Favorite CD you own: Oh dear… that’s really hard to say, it so depends on mood. Um… The Polyphonic Spree. Yeah. We’ll go with that one today.
    12] Favorite CD you don't already own: Enya, Watermark
  6. 1] Favorite scent: Hot cinnamon rolls.
    2] Favorite way to relax: A good book.
    3] Favorite movie you own: Probably one of my LOTR movies. I don't own that many movies myself.
    4] Favorite move you don't already own: Batman Begins. No contest.
    5] Favorite male movie star: Christian Bale. See above.
    6] Favorite female movie star: I can't think of one right now.
    7] Favorite book genre: Science ficiton or fantasy.
    8] Favorite clothing store: Uh, JCPenny?
    9] Favorite non-clothing store: Barnes&Noble Booksellers
    10] Favorite cartoon character: The main son in Foxtrot (can't remember name)
    11] Favorite CD you own: Batman Begins soundtrack
    12] Favorite CD you don't already own: anything by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra
  7. Geoff 7/11/2005 12:55 AM
    I'll be your huckleberry... err 5th person...

    However, commentary first:

    Favorite female movie star: Yeah, I'm having problems with this one as well.

    Problems? ;)

    Favorite scent: Dave ;-)



    1] Favorite scent: I like the smell after it has just rained.
    2] Favorite way to relax: Read a book.

    3] Favorite movie you own: A series really: Babylon 5.

    4] Favorite movie you don't already own: I'd love to have Serenity when it comes out on DVD (and DVDs of firefly actually).

    5] Favorite male movie star:
    Action - Jet Li: He kicks stuff and its cool.
    However - Liam Nelson: good in nearly every role he has played and has truely done some epic roles.

    6] Favorite female movie star: Patricia Routledge, a British actress in her role on Keeping up Appearances.

    7] Favorite book genre: Historical Novels/Sci Fi

    8] Favorite clothing store:
    Khols I guess... don't have much in this catagory.

    9] Favorite non-clothing store: Bookstop. Its like a candy store for the mind.

    10] Favorite cartoon character: Hobbes rules all with an iron fist. Although, online I like Tycho more than I really should.

    11] Favorite CD you own(?):
    I don't own Music.

    12] Favorite CD you don't already own: See previous.
  8. Karen 7/11/2005 9:44 AM
    Hahaha, I love Keeping Up Apearances! That's a great show, I actually just watched it last night. ::sigh::

    And the only reason I didn't say Hobbes is cause someone already had, and sometimes my stubborn determination to be different takes over. But I love Hobbes. I used to read Calvin and Hobbes and my Grandmas house, even before I could understand some of the humor. I remember going back later and thinking "Ohhh, THAT'S why that's funny..."

    And we used to go to Bookstops all the time! Cool.

    And so that's my favorite sent, so sue me :-P
  9. Luddie 7/14/2005 2:32 PM
    Ha, you guys are the best. Five responses without me asking!

Something to say?