Luddie's Former Life ;)
Houston, the Shiny has landed.

Back again

By Luddie
We are back in Indiana, safe and sound. The road trip went nicely, both ways. On the way down, we listened to The Time Machine by H.G. Wells. It was a fascinating, if dated book. The writing is excellent and the pacing lent itself well to a shorter read. Very movie-like in places.

Unfortunately, Mr. Wells was a socialist and some of his anti-capitalist ideas didn't age so well. But he had some eye-opening things to say about society. Wells is often cited as a forerunner of science fiction, and I think his focus on characterization and the consequences of science are some of his fiction's best qualities.

And so at home I got to see Granny and Grandad and Aunt Kate and all the cousins. And then tons more friends at Candace's graduation. It went extremely well, the turn-out was excellent, and I even got away without a breath of helium. Can't say the same for my pals Jordan and Sam... ah well.

In any case, afterwards we went bowling and had much fun. I am convinced more and more that bowling is in reality an extremely difficult skill, requiring hours and hours of practice to make moderate progress. Yet, I'm still perfectly content not being good at it, because 90% of the fun of bowling is just doing something you feel awkward doing -- and then laughing at your friends when they do no better.

You can suggest, "Hey, let's go bowling," and sound quite serious.

In reality, you're more likely asking, "Let's go pick up huge balls that are waaaaay too heavy for us to realistically hold with three fingers, and try *not* to throw them in long gutters towards some pins at the end of the alley. Yeah!" The second option is so much better. ;)

My good pal Jordan (Gordo on the list over there) gave me a cool book by Bruce Wilkinson called Set Apart. It was a late birthday present (gawsh, when *is* my birthday celebration going to end?) It's about personal holiness and though I haven't finished it, it's already been very good. Thank you very very much Jordan. :)

Shiloh in the summer was beautiful, like it is all the time. I'm sure you've often read in books about a heavy, perfume-like scent of things growing in the springtime. Well, rather than being a literary cliche, I actually experienced it, and in fact lived in a place where it happens. Perhaps that's random, but I thought that was cool one day last week.

I didn't get away without the token weed-whacking and driveway work. Shoveling gravel and handling a machete gave me a couple minor blisters... this office work makes my hands soft. ;)


So now, it was a Monday morning today again. I mailed out some of the last items in my small first push on the eBay project at work. I suppose tomorrow or the day after marks the beginning of Phase 2. Which basically means... more items and more things to juggle, but that's what a store is. And more ambitious things to sell... like huge tea sets or maybe even a vintage washer machine.

Yeah, if I can sell a vintage washer machine, that would officially rock.

And before I sign off for the night, I must introduce you to a new blog on my list... Dex's!

Yes, it's true, our entire suite is now in the blogging in-crowd. I quiver with fear.

And now, I get to poke fun at Dex, which I wouldn't, but he *is* my roommate, so here I go... he's from "San Antoino" you know, so go to his profile, click San Antoino and see all the other keyboard-challenged people living in that illustrious town. :D

3 comments so far.

  1. Suzanne 6/08/2005 4:09 PM
    Nice pic.
  2. Glad to hear you're holding out OK. To answer your question, I work here, at LU, and that night I was working in the Computer Labs in LH. It was just a really crazy night. Power outages, servers being down, etc. Very crazy. But sadly, I won't get extra money for it. But on the positive side, I do get money for it.
  3. Anonymous 6/12/2005 8:40 PM
    You have tea sets for sale? Email me before you post that one on eBay. :-)

Something to say?