The Dial-Up Experience
::sighs as he is befuddled yet again by a game of solitaire::
::alt-tabs back to Internet Explorer::
"Oh, my page finally loaded!"
::reads for a minute and then clicks to the next blog; goes back to solitaire::
::sighs as yet another game comes irresistably to a point where no further cards can be moved::
::gives up in disgust and goes away for wonderful wonderful home food... which makes up for dial-up::
::alt-tabs back to Internet Explorer::
"Oh, my page finally loaded!"
::reads for a minute and then clicks to the next blog; goes back to solitaire::
::sighs as yet another game comes irresistably to a point where no further cards can be moved::
::gives up in disgust and goes away for wonderful wonderful home food... which makes up for dial-up::
Have you ever used an RSS reader for blogs? It makes things much easier on dialup; I particularly like Bloglines (no downloads required). That way, I know when blogs are updated and when they aren't, so I don't waste my time waiting for pages to load. I can usually read the latest entries in plain text, too.