Luddie's Former Life ;)
Houston, the Shiny has landed.

Your journey's been etched on your skin

By Luddie
This is the coolest thing I saw on the BBC, about a bear hanging on for dear life to a bridge.

I really like the BBC's habit of telling small, interest stories like that with pictures and captions in a slideshow. It's a neat and fast format.

Also, I have never been one for political blogs and someone please shoot me before this becomes one, but I was very interested in this CNN article about the year's upcoming cases before the Supreme Court.

I was in Dallas on Friday for another interview. I kinda enjoyed this one. Interviews used to give me the same jitters I got before a difficult test in school. But with interviews, you can't really study ahead of time, so it's more an opportunity to see stuff and ask questions rather than wrack your brains for answers. I will say I'm a bit tired of I-20.

I was eating dinner with Granny and the power went out for three seconds. I fired on my computer after I'd finished eating and no screen. Just a long annoying system beep from the CPU. Turns out I think my video card is fried. I'm operating now on the motherboard's integrated video output, but somehow this video adapter isn't installing correctly, so I am typing this post in blotches of 16-bit color in glorious 640x480. You know it's bad when you look at your cell phone and think, "Whoa, the graphics are so smooth."

I have my laptop but it kinda threw up a little the last time I turned it on this summer.

The curious thing about all this, I thought, was that assuming I get the resolution on my desktop working, the only true loss I have suffered is that I can't play games anymore. That's technically all I need my video card for. (Kill me now, dangling participle.)

So, tonight a very brief, surgically precise power outage killed just my video card and left everything else in my computer untouched. God telling me to stop playing too many video games? Maybe so. I won't be buying a new one, that's for sure.

So my current job search seems to be a curious mix of wanting to make a decent salary and wanting to be close to friends. I'm beginning to think the two are mutually exclusive, and maybe even mutually impossible.

I really love my Granny, and staying with her for free is awesome, but I still get cabin fever after a couple days of not seeing anyone.

So that's life and I'm trying to think of a way to make this post less bleak and depressing, because that's not the way I think about it. I occasionally get on a kick where I make lists of varying kinds, sometimes just for the fun of it, and the "things to be thankful for" list is a never-ending one.

When I write, I habitually think of using words that I only vaguely know, so I'm always looking them up. Thus, cabin fever from two paragraphs ago:

Boredom, restlessness, or irritability that results from a lack of environmental stimulation, as from a prolonged stay in a remote, sparsely populated region or a confined indoor area.

Well, that description is a bit harsh on the thriving metropolis of Alto. :D

I also love sleeping but I hate getting in bed. I put it off every night and then finally climb in and wonder why on earth I waited so long. And that's all the stunning revelations I can stand to impart in this resolution, so maybe I'll be more talkative in 1280x1024.

Night folks.

2 comments so far.

  1. Girl_Friday 10/01/2007 8:13 AM
    *singing* Power outage killed the video card! (think back to mood music at the Muse'll get it)
    Can i just say that i'm so glad you blog about dangling participles too.
    For what it's worth, i'm very close to choosing friends over the decent salary i already have. Don't tell my mother.
  2. Girl_Friday 10/01/2007 7:34 PM
    Gold star.

    i hate blogger msg convos.

    i LOVE the new Eisley cd.

    That is all.

Something to say?