Luddie's Former Life ;)
Houston, the Shiny has landed.

To Get Home Late

By Luddie
Two weeks since my last post. I'm back at LETU for another semester, taking four classes and working a few hours for two jobs (Admissions monkey and English tutor).

It's biting cold since late last week and the puddles are only beginning to melt and disappear. I'm with the newspaper again and have a muic review written for the next issue.

I am also writing a story about the exchange students here from Handong. One of them happens to be a fellow in one of my English discussion labs there, so I was really happy to be here to see him.

My Admissions work is the same old same old exactly as I left it. The brochures are new but the office and all the little equipment is the same. It feels good to be making money again.

The tutoring job with the university's Owlet program is a bit more exciting to me, not just for the work but because I'll learn better how to teach others to write well. I've helped people with this before but nobody's ever sat down to tell me how.

I am still terrified of Spanish but it will be OK. The teacher is really hitting us hard at first but that's exactly what we need. My Watson classes are going to be great. I am especially excited about Visual Literacy.

From just an introductory class, I believe the class focuses on how layout and images work in conjunction with writing to communicate a message. Our first assignment, due tomorrow, is to find a picture representing each decade of the 20th century and to briefly describe why we chose each picture.

2 comments so far.

  1. Suzanne 1/17/2007 9:31 AM
    This post is much more informative than your previous post.

    I thank you.
  2. C. Bright 1/19/2007 12:47 PM
    Oo Oo! For you get to find psychedelic swirlies and people in pink track suits!

    Well could be worse. You could be an Academic Tutor and an English Monkey.

    Have a good semester.

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