My regular lunch: spicy noodles and a slice of bread. The cleaning ladies in our building had seen me preparing the noodles in the lounge a few times now (apparently I always do it during their break time) so today they decided to offer me some of their snack. It was a type of Korean sweet potato, which one of them had baked. It was very good and went scrumdidleeumptiously with my noodles.
It occurred to me today, during team meeting, that my diet consists of little more than carbohydrates in one form or another. I shall return from Korea a pudgy, rotund little man with puffy cheeks.
The chopsticks are nice wooden ones I got on the ascent to Yongdosung Park in Busan with my roomie. (See my newest Flickr set) I cannot recall ever buying a metal fork for myself, but these chopsticks rule.

I'm firing a homemade Korean bamboo bow
The noodles hot...
What else ya got cookin,
in the pot ???