Luddie's Former Life ;)
Houston, the Shiny has landed.

By Luddie
I submitted a column on my experience thusfar in Korea to LeTourneau University's YellowJacket newspaper, which was distributed yesterday. The text may be viewed here.

7 comments so far.

  1. Amy Thorne 4/08/2006 9:54 AM
    I like the scooter.
  2. Amy 4/09/2006 5:37 PM
    Well spoken. So wholly I understand what you said about "God changing us and our expectations." When I went to Korea, I went with all of my heart to serve and bless its people; when I left, I feel I was the one most blessed and most transformed. Something about the entire experience turned my eyes to view the earth from a Heavenly paradigm I had scarcely before allowed myself. Since I've come home, I've known so much more fully that there is an entire world "out there" that awaits the light of Christ. So often, I feel American Christianity falls into forgetting about anything outside the realm immediately surrounding us-- until we have neglected the greatest charge with which we were ever sent forth. So greatly I pray that the Lord will return to this generation a fervor, a view both global and eternal in perspective. Continue to take to heart all you learn; you never know how the Lord may choose to use the knowlege and experience in your life. Blessings to you! :)
  3. ThisBigEyedFish 4/10/2006 2:01 PM
    Sounds like you are having fun. Don't hurt yourself with that Bamboo bow. We miss you here!
  4. Ben Jumper 4/11/2006 11:03 PM
    But I like my word better. :-)
  5. Ben Jumper 4/11/2006 11:03 PM
    But I like my word better. :-)
  6. Amy 4/15/2006 9:27 PM
    By now, Resurrection Sunday will have come across Korea. I pray that you've had a blessed morning in remembrance of Christ's great love and victory over sin and death. Many blessings to you!
  7. C. Bright 4/26/2006 3:49 PM
    I miss you.

Something to say?