Luddie's Former Life ;)
Houston, the Shiny has landed.


By Luddie
A very good song by Jimmy Eat World, by the way.

In any case, with two days under my belt, I can now comment on my job. It's certainly a step up from saying hi to Ms. Weatherall and then doing a bunch of e-mail cataloging. I guess that's a good thing, or at least I needed to get to that point some day.

I'm in the main building of Kokomo Rescue Mission, a well-established city ministry. I pretty much fix computer problems for the various employees. I'll also be setting up an eBay store, selling items from their warehouse of donated stuff.

And if I can ever figure out someone else's work with PHP (which I haven't ever worked with) which was then messed up by someone else's FrontPage work... assuming all that, then I might even be able to help them do some cool things with their website.

But that's a lot of if's and I'm far from the computer whiz people keep calling me. I guess that's the biggest part of this job that bothers me. I'm getting paid to just poke around and figure things out, rather than use a ready skill I have to accomplish something efficiently.

Well, I'm also bothered, as I'm sure some of my LETU readers are, by being picked up from a group of close friends and being stuck in a new place. I mean, working full-time for a summer loses its novelty pretty quick, but I imagine God means it for the best.

I got pretty discouraged eating at lunch. The setup is surprisingly close to SAGA. You get a tray, pick what food you want, and sit down at rows of tables to eat it. I must admit the inhabitants of this mission are a far different crowd than 41ers and those brave enough to sit at our table.

But every time I got kinda discouraged, I remembered that I don't have to deal with the entire summer. All I have right now is the present, and making the best of it is all I can ever be asked to do. Tomorrow will take care of itself, and the week after that, and the rest of the summer.

The weather has sure been nice. Things were rosy and perfect until this morning. The sun stayed, but the cold snapped suddenly and the temp stayed below 60 all day. That's not really so cold, but people who were outside a lot didn't expect it and complained at work.

1 comment so far.

  1. Anonymous 5/13/2005 9:53 AM
    Life is about change, my grandson, and one day at a time seems to work pretty well.God is good.

Something to say?