Luddie's Former Life ;)
Houston, the Shiny has landed.

First day in Hoosierland

By Luddie
Today I got to see my sisters. ::hugs:: Benny stayed up for me last night.

Mom, Candace and I went for a walk. They called it the Walk of Excellence, and our quest was to See the Ducklings. This was all very official sounding, though I figured it to be goofy names invented by my family until I saw a sign announcing I was about to step on the Walk of Excellence. So it was really the trail's name. Far out.

When the rest of the family got back from school/work, we had my birthday party!

Woot. Mom made ice cream cake and I opened presents. Really racked it up this time. First and foremost, I got the mighty Purple Elephant.

Haha, only Captain Jim would give such a present. ;-)

The disturbing thing is now I have this to add to a growing collection of headless teddies and beanie crabs. :|

Ahem, in addition to a few other nice things, I got a digital camera! I'm very happy; been wanting one and now I can be the 41er that runs around pondings and such always with a camera in hand. I'll post an URL to a page about it when I get my hands on it.

Then I got to tour my Dad's work where I will be doing computer/eBay work and stuff. I'll definitely talk more about it later since it will be my full time job. But tomorrow is the first big day where I go in. Huzzah. Did I mention I have my own office? :D

4 comments so far.

  1. quirky 5/10/2005 10:57 PM
    that's so awesome that you got a digital camera! i want to see it!
  2. Anonymous 5/11/2005 1:19 PM
    correction, Amy made the cake.

  3. Anonymous 5/11/2005 1:34 PM
    Your own office!! I am impressed. Enjoyed you so much in the Shiloh Home. However, I am very pleased that you are getting to spend some time with your immediate family.

    Have a wonderful summer.
  4. Feanor 5/11/2005 8:26 PM
    Wow that is a truly magnificant elephant! Impressive, Phred, very impressive

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