Luddie's Former Life ;)
Houston, the Shiny has landed.

I hate online quizzes. And blogging too.

By Luddie
And AIM too.

And studying for finals.

Your Geek Profile:

Academic Geekiness: Highest

Movie Geekiness: High

SciFi Geekiness: High

Gamer Geekiness: Moderate

Music Geekiness: Moderate

Fashion Geekiness: Low

Geekiness in Love: Low

General Geekiness: None

Internet Geekiness: None


4 comments so far.

  1. C. Bright 5/02/2005 10:48 PM
    Your Geek Profile:
    Academic Geekiness: Moderate
    Geekiness in Love: Low
    Movie Geekiness: Low
    Fashion Geekiness: None
    Gamer Geekiness: None
    General Geekiness: None
    Internet Geekiness: None
    Music Geekiness: None
    SciFi Geekiness: None

    Ow. This is really weird. I need to boost my geek appearance because it's not showing somehow.

    Guess they didn't ask the 'camouflage and cottage cheese geek' questions...
  2. quirky 5/03/2005 1:21 AM
    wow, yours is amazingly similar to mine, pea. i didn't even bother to put mine up because there were two lows and everything else was none. :-P
  3. Suzanne 5/03/2005 8:43 PM
    Obviously what we have here are two Geek wanna' be's.
  4. Anonymous 5/03/2005 8:50 PM
    Your Geek Profile:
    Academic Geekiness: High
    Gamer Geekiness: High
    Fashion Geekiness: High
    Internet Geekiness: Moderate
    Movie Geekiness: Moderate
    SciFi Geekiness: Moderate
    General Geekiness: Low
    Geekiness in Love: None
    Music Geekiness: None

    Ouch... the Fashion part is painfull and somewhat untrue, but other than that it's all ok with me. ;p lol

Something to say?