Luddie's Former Life ;)
Houston, the Shiny has landed.

Combat wombat!

By Luddie
Why? Because I don't want to study any more.

Did you know wombats were this big? I sure didn't.

I am going to get a wombat sometime next year, just put it on the ground beside my roommates, and just see what they do.

Simply priceless.


6 comments so far.

  1. Suzanne 5/03/2005 8:41 PM
    Why do you have a picture of a wombat rat?
  2. Luddie 5/03/2005 9:50 PM
    You know, the only thing sadder than me wanting to watch my roommates run in terror from a wombat, is you taking time out of finals to research wombats. Ha! :D
  3. Man with a Mission 5/03/2005 10:34 PM
    Did you know that Hodaka made a combat wombat in the early 70's?
    They were cool.
  4. Man with a Mission 5/03/2005 10:47 PM
    Hay! I can't find your links!
  5. Geoff 5/03/2005 11:58 PM
    Communist Wombat!!!!
  6. Anonymous 5/04/2005 10:25 AM
    Combata Wombat en el Ejército francés

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