Luddie's Former Life ;)
Houston, the Shiny has landed.

The Prequel to the Very Wednesday Post

By Luddie
(I don't know, you try coming up with a better post title) :D

This morning started off greeaaaaat. Dex woke up an hour before me, jumped out of his bed with his characteristic morning thump, slapped the wrong button on his alarm clock and tramped into the shower.

From my perspective:

(sleeping... sleeping... sleeping...) beep beepbeepbeepbeep beeeeep beeeeep beeeeeeeep beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep BEEP BEEP BEEEEEEEP BEEEEEP BEEEEEEEEP

::ruffle ruffle:: whoosh... THUMP!

(random incomprehensible mumbling) CLUNK

I closed my eyes and pulled my blanket over my head. 5 minutes later, I was *almost* asleep, when Dex's alarm went off again. I tried to ignore it, but it got louder and louder and louder. Finally, I climbed down, ripped the back off and dropped the batteries onto his desk, before deciding that I probably couldn't fall back asleep before *my* alarm went off... ::sigh::

So I went into my room and began typing my next Texas/West assignment until Dex cleared out of the shower. Went to Western Civ (yeah... remember, that class I didn't need to be in) and wow, I couldn't stay awake this morning.

I've been getting about 8 hours of sleep every night recently, or trying, but it's so annoying when you go to bed early and think "wow, I'm being so good for getting lots of sleep instead of being dumb late at night" and then you climb into bed and lie awake for 2 hours. Blah.

But last night I only lay awake for one hour and so it was good. But then Dr. Kubricht started his characteristic soothing lecture voice in Western Civ, and I dropped dead. I have to think the man notices when people just drop all attention and fall asleep before his very eyes. I sit very close to him in the front row specifcially so that I won't fall asleep, but even with that I was nodding off over and over. I try to stay awake mostly to be courteous, because I like Dr. Kubricht but sometimes his voice is just too soothing.

That man should just record his lectures and sell them as background vocals to Kenny G or something; it would be the ultimate relaxation album.

Or better... Dr. Kubricht should realize the effect his voice has on students and should take advantage of it. Imagine what the class would do if he started just randomly shouting at them in the middle of class. Most profs would get wide-eyed stares, but for students of Dr. Kubricht, it would be shocking beyond measure. And too funny.

Aduma just walked in and asked if I ever talk about him on my blog. I said that I couldn't ever remember mentioning him. He was quite appalled, so I promised to mention him in this post. There, he has been mentioned.

The wind picked up all evening. It was blowing steady and clouds rolled in with severe thunderstorms. It is indeed rather thundery out there... I'm such a pansy about thunderstorms. Still jump in my seat every time a loud one pops. And I even have a huge flash of light across the entire sky to warn me it's coming! Wow.

And lightning reminds me of something I saw on Karen's blog... it's the official Goth-o-matic poetry generator! Bask in the glory of my very own Vampire poem...


It is a night of blood, a song of ethereal pain,
wolves vent their cry. The ethereal one

Wisps of death shrouds her brooding form,
an impatient dread.

Her ebon hair cascades over
pale shoulders, and her
full crimson lips part slightly, to taste the
red tears streaming from the
pale flesh beneath

Now a night of new awareness,
I awaken.

Wasn't that... awesome! Stop that snickering.

Seriously, the website is kinda making fun of Goths, and the poetry generator is actually pretty funny.

Karen and her roomie Kelly took Slope, Geoff and I to Wal-Mart. Geoff made a lame attempt at covering himself, saying he "would've" taken me tonight anyway, but we all know his definition of "soon" means some indeterminate time in the future that won't actually come.

::laughs and ducks from incoming projectiles and insults::

We were also cracking jokes about the simple pleasures and inconveniences of life in our suite and Slope was just sitting there, shaking his head, taking it all in. We have some playful, semi-annoyed banter that goes on in our suite nearly constantly, about one thing or another.

Slope just treats it as this curious sociological phenomenon, and naturally concludes he can make money off of it. He hatched bold new plans at SAGA for an ongoing scheme of his... to return next year with a movie camera and just record conversations in our suite. He says it will make quality reality-TV, or at least laughs at the next FilmFest.

I responded that we would put on our headphones and become morosely silent if a camera came within shooting distance of our room. Which is probably true. You'd just have to be here to experience it. ;D

Oh my gosh... Pebble just told the most hysterically funny dream I've ever heard... but Geoff beat me to wanting to put it in blog form, so guess you'll have to go to his and watch for it when he gets around to posting again.

What'd I get at Wal-Mart? Well, boring stuff, and donuts, and 24 Mountain Dews! Woohoo! Guess who won't be sleeping for the next 72 hours!

Actually I couldn't do that, nor would I want to. But still... do the math on the price of those Dews... that comes down to 16 or 17 cents a can. Nice.

I signed up for... wow, looks like it's coming to a total of 5 stories for this issue of the newspaper. And actually, one of the stories has two parts. Funny how signing up for stories is way more fun that writing them. Ugh. For The Cause!!!!

2 comments so far.

  1. Geoff 4/06/2005 12:53 AM
    You just had not quite made the requirements for a walmart run, specified in section D, article 12 of the Dread Overlord/Minion agreement.


    I think the Kelly vs. Karen outdid our mildly witty banter by about a mile.

    Yes, Pebble is hilarious, and disturbed.
  2. C. Bright 4/07/2005 8:22 AM
    Lol, bro.
    Yeah, I kindof sympathize about the article signing up issue, (only I'm not so sleep deprived as to do 5!). Yup I shot for three last week and one of them, well, never materialized. I guess Pebble's Hamster ate it.

Something to say?