Luddie's Former Life ;)
Houston, the Shiny has landed.

ah yes

By Luddie
At last the test is over. And to be 100% technically precise... I HAVE NOTHING DUE UNTIL THURSDAY!

Yeah... so now I'm grooving along, getting a head start on my music reviews for the next issue of the newspaper. Currently reviewing a British band by the name of the Kaiser Chiefs.

The newspaper meeting was a riot tonight, and I mean that literally. I really can't reveal anything before FilmFest, but it involved cameras, pool noodle floaties, flying cheeze-its, and newspaper beatings.

To Michaela and Spence's credit... they did a fine job with the official, actual meeting beforehand. Leave it to Shroud and Bolt to mess a good newspaper meeting up... :D

And did I mention an *entire* box of my wonderful Cheeze-its was donated to The Cause? Need a wal-mart run...

I was happy and energetic all day long and then, as usual, my brain turned off at 3:41 PM today. Yes, just at that time it happens every school day. It's funny to walk into a class or work just fine and then nearly fall over asleep half-way through.

There should be time for naps in a day! Especially with how late students stay up in these dorms.

Ack! And again I am at a loss of anything remotely entertaining for my blog. As sad as that is, I am probably more disappointed than you are, because I read my blog too. And I want something interesting to read, dang it!

4 comments so far.

  1. Suzanne 4/05/2005 12:10 PM
    The exciting stuff only happens every now and then - scrunched in with the mundane.

    Unless of course you're Richard Simmons who can make EVERYTHING EXCITING!!

    Which proves that too much excitement is just plain irritating.
  2. Anonymous 4/05/2005 2:30 PM
    I really like your new blog site! COOOOL!! And thanks for the prayers.
  3. Suzanne 4/05/2005 3:37 PM
    Hey SOG, we need to get you a cool photo icon to go with your comments. Perhaps we can get one of your brilliant grandsons to work on some granny photos in photo shop. Me and Benny stayed up til 1 AM the night that Chili was gone to Presbytery to come up with mine. I like it to be recognizable to my friends but not to any of the bad people.
  4. Suzanne 4/05/2005 3:40 PM
    Like Joshua's for example. No one would ever recognize him behind that scuba disguise. Quite clever, I think.

Something to say?