Luddie's Former Life ;)
Houston, the Shiny has landed.

The Evil Empire

By Luddie
And no, it's not the USSR.

Look at this page.

I have subscribed to Rhapsody for a while now. I go to the website to upgrade to their latest software, and what do I see.

It is everything evil about the web, all on one web page. Except for Rhapsody, which I kinda like. And Microsoft and Gator are evil too, and they're not on the page.


All the evils are there. Just look. RealPlayer... the Google toolbar... I mean come on, what *don't* those Google guys own any more. Simply frightening.


Now that you've read that enlightening and exceedingly well-thought out tidbit, I shall have to close this post because I have one final push of homework to do before the end of the year.

Much *other* than schoolwork has been happening, and I want to blog all of it, mostly just because I'll want to read it in a few days. I read my own blog, what a loser. :D

However, I am forcing myself to not write about any of it until I actually have time to do it. Priorities, it's all about priorities.

I have literally started a list of things I want to blog about so I don't forget them; yes, it's sad.

So instead of blogging about them... I have just now completed an infinitely better activity... blogging about why I won't blog about them.

Ha! :D

4 comments so far.

  1. Anonymous 4/27/2005 10:27 PM
    hehehe... all that is evil *snicker* that's good, that's good. All that is just and right and pure is at


    all hail the master blogger...
    Count Ludwhig

    -someone you don't want to meet... or meat... ?
  2. Anonymous 4/27/2005 10:29 PM
    I really don't understand myself
  3. Feanor 4/28/2005 11:31 AM
    Neither do I, but I strongly suspect the identity behind your anonymous disguise!
  4. C. Bright 4/29/2005 10:19 PM
    ::cornfused at the whole conversation::


Something to say?