Luddie's Former Life ;)
Houston, the Shiny has landed.


By Luddie
Wow... I thought yesterday was perfect, but that rising humidity actually meant that today would be the opposite. It's raining again in Longview, with scattered thunderstorms.

Talked with my mom yesterday. Cell phones are funny things when it comes to signal reception sometimes.

Plans are moving forward for our little concert on Friday. Slope, Coda and I will be opening for Tisdale, a very talented local band. We are so excited. Last night we went down to Quad 4 and enlisted the services of Lucky, an agreeable fellow who plays drums. We've played at 2 AcoustiCafe's before but this next ElectriCafe will be our first with a drummer. And last I heard, we'd roped another 41er, Ian, into playing bass for us. Slope is working on getting a CD of our song line-up to the players, and I'm working on chords and lyrics memorization. No good to be singing from a paper!

Tisdale's local popularity, combined with this weekened being an aero science Preview, makes me expect at the very least 100 people to be there at any given time. Scary. :D

So today is pretty straightforward. Classes, work, history assignment, 3 music reviews for the paper, and an article on why LETU students go to the symphony, also for the Yellowjacket. I took a little poll at Monday dinner and got some interesting results.

And tonight is the first meeting of the Webb Society, the history club I joined. Dr. Coppinger will be coming and talking about grad school. :-) 9 PM if you are at LETU and remotely interested.

Well, sadistics starts in 20 minutes. Better get ready. :D

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