Luddie's Former Life ;)
Houston, the Shiny has landed.


By Luddie
Writing the final paper for my pre-law seminar... it finished last thursday and now I have the 10-page paper due tomorrow. My thesis? "An investigation into the motivations for pursuing a profession in law, the merits of those motivations based on a biblical perspective, with a particular focus on the motivations and traits of famous lawyers of the past." So... basically I just have to write stuff.

The first page came out well enough, if a little slowly. Only nine more to go.

Might I add... that Bach is premiere studying music. OK, maybe Mozart is proven to be better, but I'm in the mood for Bach.

And coffee. Coffee would be good.

2 comments so far.

  1. quirky 2/27/2005 7:42 PM
    coffe is always good. ;-)
  2. quirky 2/27/2005 7:42 PM

Something to say?