Love, love is a verb
Typo of the day! Writing an essay for one of my grad school apps and this sentence slips out. Oh, the importance of a few little letters...
"In addition to that semester's introduction to international policy, I taught two sections of conversational English through the university's English department, and privately tortured a man preparing for an English proficiency exam."
Well, it wasn't so far off the truth. He bought my lunch that one time...
"In addition to that semester's introduction to international policy, I taught two sections of conversational English through the university's English department, and privately tortured a man preparing for an English proficiency exam."
Well, it wasn't so far off the truth. He bought my lunch that one time...
But I love technology, always and forever.
Your picture needs a caption, how about: "We're like Seven-eleven...we're not always doing business, but we're aaaalways open."
"re-locate radically different cultures within the authors’ own more familiar bovabularies"
sounds like a bovine lexicon to me