Luddie's Former Life ;)
Houston, the Shiny has landed.

Love, love is a verb

By Luddie
Typo of the day! Writing an essay for one of my grad school apps and this sentence slips out. Oh, the importance of a few little letters...

"In addition to that semester's introduction to international policy, I taught two sections of conversational English through the university's English department, and privately tortured a man preparing for an English proficiency exam."

Well, it wasn't so far off the truth. He bought my lunch that one time...

All over the world

3 comments so far.

  1. C. Bright 11/08/2007 12:22 PM
    Yeah, I just typed thiso: "he has to solve the mistered..." Yup, what Word thought was perhaps mastered, mustard, or mitered (do we even *know* what that means??) was quite simply mystery.
    But I love technology, always and forever.
  2. Girl_Friday 11/19/2007 9:24 AM
    My personal favorite: "Dear sir or madman"

    Your picture needs a caption, how about: "We're like Seven-eleven...we're not always doing business, but we're aaaalways open."
  3. C. Bright 11/26/2007 5:33 AM
    well, you know it's time for another post when the cabbage comes back with another typo. Today's entry:

    "re-locate radically different cultures within the authors’ own more familiar bovabularies"

    sounds like a bovine lexicon to me

Something to say?