Luddie's Former Life ;)
Houston, the Shiny has landed.

Will you do the fandango?

By Luddie
I have never thought myself a TV junkie but there are about 5 good TV shows going recently. I only keep up with The Office and Prison Break (they will never be forgiven for taking away Sara Tancredi), but House has looked really good recently. I used to catch snippets of it at LETU and now NBC puts all their shows online. I'm kind of holding it off, so I can use it as a reward at some future reward-worthy time. ;)

The Office, in particular, has been brilliant recently. I am amazed at how many serious issues they can touch in the show, usually with Michael Scott's character. He takes political correctness to the extreme and, in his comedic way, shows some very real problems people have, and their ways of dealing with them.

In this last episode, the whole office staff have an impromptu discussion about the proper use of the word "whoever" and "whomever" and it is absolutely hilarious and brilliant. Also I love Youtube.

And then, there are the Youtube fangirls who will religiously catalog all of the Jim/Pam scenes into one Youtube clip. Icky mushy! And for some reason I can hardly keep myself from spelling catalog as catalogue. I think it's the English way? As usual, it seems the Americans scratched their heads, looked at a word of French descent, and said, "These here hum letters ain't necessary!" Snip snip.

I'm pretty much a Steve Carell fan because of the Office and after seeing Evan Almighty. Evan wasn't an especially awesome show, but he at least helped out the movie a lot. And actually I am looking forward even more to his upcoming film Dan In Real Life. And it will have Dane Cook! We'll see how that is.

Aaaaaand we have a cool snap in Texas! I pulled out a hoodie for the first time in months this weekend and it was wondahful. After several weeks off of coffee, I magically seem to want it again and it just tastes better when the morning is cool.

I went to a church retreat with Geoff-Geoff this weekend (that's really how I have him written in my cell phone). The theme was our hearts as the temple or house of God. A number of people from the congregation spoke and it was a good time to talk and think.

I didn't feel tip-top after dinner on Saturday so I skipped the last of the men's small group discussion. One of them came by afterwards, and, with a wink, told me that God had come down in a pillar of FIRE and that it was a once in a lifetime thing and I had missed it. That'll teach ya not to miss the meetings. ;)

1 comment so far.

  1. Anonymous 5/31/2008 4:47 PM
    You must see "Little Miss Sunshine"! It's what turned me on to becoming a Steve Carell fan. I think it's his best movie. He also has a funny, small part in "Anchor Man" with Will Ferrell. Carell's break out movie, "The 40-Year-Old Virgin" is also great.

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