Luddie's Former Life ;)
Houston, the Shiny has landed.

Aimless in Wonder

Category: , , , , , By Luddie
I have discovered that even paper writing becomes cool and adventurous when you play the Mission Impossible theme really really loud.

It also makes everyone entering your room want to burst in stick-em-up style with hands clasped like a pistol.

The Playstation 3 and Nintendo Wii were released this last weekend, and though I have not been much into gaming consoles, I have recently had good times with several 41ers playing an XBox, which made me especially enjoy this comic.

More papers to write but it looks like Thanksgiving will be crazy... something like 19 LETU students car-pooling up to Kansas. Craziness.

7 comments so far.

  1. Amy Thorne 11/20/2006 3:18 PM
    Ha, I just think you should know that last weekend in glasgow i came across my friend who was in this ginormous line to play the nintendo wii and he was finding great joy in the fact that he would get to boast to all of his friends in the states that he got to play it before it even came out over there.

    so now you know THAT priceless piece of information!

    merry thanksgiving.
  2. Geoff 11/20/2006 4:36 PM
    Penny-Arcade is sometimes extremely eloquent, even without using any words.

    Its scary how closely they skate towards the edge of what could be considered true art. o.0
  3. Amy 11/21/2006 1:13 AM
    Happy Thanksgiving, friend! Congrats on that "wouldn't-it-be-nice-if-this-was-my-last-one" paper, by the way. :) Have a great holiday! I know your much-loved family's a long way away, but I'll be praying God brings you many unforeseen blessings, all the same. Our Father so loves to grace His children, and I pray that precious love will be lavished on you in the days to come. :) God be with you!
  4. Anonymous 11/22/2006 1:45 PM
    Have a wonderful time.
  5. Strider 11/27/2006 12:32 PM
    I'm the only person left in the world without a wii! QQ I kinda want one too. I can't wait to start swinging a wand/remote around like a retarded kid when you shine a laser on the wall and you tell him if he doesn't smack it quick enough it'll jump out of the wall and gobble him up.

    The new mission impossible music or the old stuff?
  6. Feanor 11/27/2006 4:36 PM
    Hard work often pays off after time, but laziness always pays off now.
  7. Anonymous 11/28/2006 3:11 PM
    I LOVE that face book picture. And I remember that too.

Something to say?