Luddie's Former Life ;)
Houston, the Shiny has landed.

By Luddie
Finally finished my Poetical Books paper. I'm not proud of it, but it's finished, which is a delightful word.

I also started a quality movie from the 1940s about Benjamin Disraeli for my Europe paper. I love the look and feel of old movies when I don't get annoyed with the pacing. They take time to get into the drama right from the start of the movie, without the gratuitous action scene every modern movie has to have.

Zerg and Fargo and I went to Starbucks today. I am still amazed by the regenerative powers of getting off campus for an hour and laughing about random things with a maple macchiato.

I have also enjoyed indulging my inner nerd with Battlefield 2142. Bubbles and Gizmo of Dorm 41 fame got the game and we have been owning n00bz for great justice.

Here they are playing DDR for great justice

Right now? The Rolling Stones and philosophy homework. And chatting with Jordo.

1 comment so far.

  1. Suzanne 11/01/2006 4:54 AM
    The 40's saw some of the greatest dramatic movies to date - then the next few generations really missed it.

    How is ol' Jordo?

Something to say?