Luddie's Former Life ;)
Houston, the Shiny has landed.

By Luddie
It's Sunday evening in Indiana. It's cold, still, so I haven't gone outside much while here. There has been very little snow this winter and basically none while I've been around.

I'm just beginning to make some preparations for South Korea. I leave on Thursday, March 2, in the morning, so tomorrow I'll have to start getting ready in earnest, deciding what goes and doesn't. I've been sick since coming to Indiana, but today I felt better, so it was nice to enjoy a full meal.

My student visa status is still up in the air; I've found Koreans at my college and at the consulate in Chicago to be difficult to speak with. To remedy the situation, I'm trying to learn little bits and pieces of Korean when I can; my first goal is to learn their writing, which I think I can do before I leave, though I will know no vocabulary.

If the visa does not go through, and things go badly in Seoul, they have every right to send me back across the Pacific, where I would die penniless, heartbroken and friendless, ending my own misery under the wheels of the nearest San Francisco electric tram.

Well, it's a bit of an exaggeration... mostly the death part. But I am uneasy.

Apart from this little dilemma, I am excited by the prospect. My flight goes from Chicago to San Francisco to Seoul. From there, I ride a shuttle off the airport island to Gimpo Airport, where I fly to Pohang, and am then picked up by the college, I hope.

And the rest, I just see when I get there. I cannot find any decent pictures of the campus or my dorm or anything, so I will be sure to take pictures and post them for you. I hope to post somewhat often here, as well as a few columns for the esteemed LETU YellowJacket.

Classes... I still don't know what I will be taking. On the bright side, my financial aid worked out really awesome this semester and is now all finalized and Handong is paid. Took long enough. :)

3 comments so far.

  1. Geoff 2/27/2006 5:10 PM

    Sounds like it is coming together.

    Love the quotes and subtle re-work of the blog layout and colors btw.
  2. Anonymous 2/27/2006 5:27 PM
    Glad to see Churchill' quote. One of his is my "life quote"
    "Success is never final, failure is never fatal; it's courage that counts"
  3. quirky 3/02/2006 12:23 AM
    if it doesn't work out in seoul, then i'll ride my bike over and get you. you can you can piggy back ride to steen, and rest under the bed on a sleeping bag and swipe my card for food.

    hey man, hope you feel better, and have an awesome flight! ttyl.

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