Luddie's Former Life ;)
Houston, the Shiny has landed.

This Thanksgiving

By Luddie
I wrote on my intellectual history paper

I happily put up with cousins CRAWLING on me

I watched a random cel-shaded Japanese flick I'd been wanting to see since last year

I learned two favorite songs on guitar

I practiced them over and over

I walked into town and mailed my korean college app

I went to bed before 11 PM. TWICE. And still managed to sleep 10 or 12 hours

I wrote my last newspaper story of the semester

I did random chores in the rain, and it wasn't freezing

Amazing.. that list makes the weekend sound productive.

1 comment so far.

  1. C. Bright 11/28/2005 9:15 PM
    LOL. Would it sound even more productive if you added "-Baked a pumpkin pie which still isn't eaten. -Drove randomly through Indianapolis to see organic cheese. -Watched Jane Fonda torture Jennifer Lopez." That's what I did this weekend.

    Thanks for taking the cousins, guess we'll have to have double crawling at Christmas.

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