Luddie's Former Life ;)
Houston, the Shiny has landed.

By Luddie
Today I saw Revenge of the Sith. Don't worry; no spoilers here. All I'll say is now I want to re-watch the original trilogy, so I know everything turns out alright. :D

The video for Coldplay's Yellow is also the most disappointing video ever. The lead singer can walk on a beach and sing to a cameraman as he walks away. Very impressive.

My computer is crashing randomly when it tries to use my new graphics card. ::cries::

Computer problems... I'm learning more about fixing them every day without really wanting to.

And I got a sweet new ride to work. No matter that it's a rusted old girls' bike without effective brakes... works for me. And now my dear dear sister doesn't have to chauffeur me around. Huzzah.

And tomorrow is Friday. The grand day of the unveiling of the eBay store! Yes, so I hope.

2 comments so far.

  1. Suzanne 5/20/2005 8:03 AM
    Hurrah for ebay - where you can always find old collector's antique junk! :-D
  2. Anonymous 5/20/2005 12:40 PM
    Looks like you are making progress!! I think its great!!!!
    I just couldn't find anything to buy. Perhaps you can give me some "insider trader" hints.

Something to say?