Luddie's Former Life ;)
Houston, the Shiny has landed.

Hooray for birthdays

By Luddie
This weekend passed quietly. I took some nice walks around the neighborhood and God was very close.

I've continued fighting my new video card. It refuses to work and yet, it also refuses to completely fail. It works just enough and in the right ways that I keep getting a little hope that it will ultimately work in my computer. I think I'll send it back... if it's just fundamentally incompatible, no use me trying to make it work any more. So that was a minor annoyance.

This morning at work they had their weekly staff meeting, bright and early at 8 on Mondays. They apparently celebrate staff birthdays at the end of every month. Well, it isn't the last Monday of the month but that didn't stop them from singing me happy birthday. They even made me hold a stupid "Birthday!" sign while I had my picture taken.

I laughed and they said everone has to do it. At least it's not just a humiliating prank. :D

So hooray for birthdays... all.. month... long!

3 comments so far.

  1. Anonymous 5/23/2005 3:25 PM
    For he's a jolly good fellow ....
  2. Courtney 5/23/2005 5:24 PM
    Ha. Perhaps a ponding wouldn't have been so bad after all...
  3. Abigail... 5/24/2005 7:45 AM
    AAAHAHAHAHA! Three cheers for your Birthday....

Something to say?