call me stupid for slacking from homework...
But I was just listening to the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack, and I had a stunning revelation. Patrick Wilson, who played Col. William Travis in The Alamo, which I just watched, is also Raoul in the Phantom of the Opera movie.
::goes back to homework::
But before I do... I got to watch Branaugh's "Much Ado About Nothing" in Glaske on Thursday. Enjoyed it seeing again (for what... the fifth time or so) on a big screen. And ever since I've had that "sigh not so" song stuck in my head. I wonder if I could play it on my guitar...
::goes back to homework, for real::
::goes back to homework::
But before I do... I got to watch Branaugh's "Much Ado About Nothing" in Glaske on Thursday. Enjoyed it seeing again (for what... the fifth time or so) on a big screen. And ever since I've had that "sigh not so" song stuck in my head. I wonder if I could play it on my guitar...
::goes back to homework, for real::
Sigh no more
Men were decievers ever
Yep, I like that song. ;-)
... And be you blithe and bonny;
Converting all your sounds of woe
Into "Hey nonny, nonny."
::walks away humming::
No matter. A man wrote those words, a group of men sang and perhaps even men could prove that statement false. ;)
::smiles & dances out::