Luddie's Former Life ;)
Houston, the Shiny has landed.

Swim, swam, swum, swimming

By Luddie
I just swam and wow, just 15 minutes, today and Wednesday, and I feel absolutely bushed after both times.

I'm convinced swimming takes every single muscle in your body and demands its 120%. I'm out of shape. :D

7 comments so far.

  1. C. Bright 3/04/2005 9:12 PM
    Dude, went to the YMCA today to do "Step Aerobics" don't think I've recovered all day. And yes, "bushed" was the exact word on my lips as well. I wholly sympathize with the shape thing too; that is, unless you call "cooked marshmallow in a s'more" a shape. :~}
  2. C. Bright 3/04/2005 9:13 PM
    Dude, went to the YMCA today to do "Step Aerobics" don't think I've recovered all day. And yes, "bushed" was the exact word on my lips as well. I wholly sympathize with the shape thing too; that is, unless you call "cooked marshmallow in a s'more" a shape. :~}
  3. C. Bright 3/04/2005 9:13 PM
    Dude, went to the YMCA today to do "Step Aerobics" don't think I've recovered all day. And yes, "bushed" was the exact word on my lips as well. I wholly sympathize with the shape thing too; that is, unless you call "cooked marshmallow in a s'more" a shape. :~}
  4. C. Bright 3/04/2005 9:13 PM
    Dude, went to the YMCA today to do "Step Aerobics" don't think I've recovered all day. And yes, "bushed" was the exact word on my lips as well. I wholly sympathize with the shape thing too; that is, unless you call "cooked marshmallow in a s'more" a shape. :~}
  5. Anonymous 3/04/2005 9:14 PM
    Dude, went to the YMCA today to do "Step Aerobics" don't think I've recovered all day. And yes, "bushed" was the exact word on my lips as well. I wholly sympathize with the shape thing too; that is, unless you call "cooked marshmallow in a s'more" a shape. :~}

  6. C. Bright 3/05/2005 12:32 PM
    I am SO sorry about that. I kept trying to post and it wouldn't let me but apperently it was doing it all the time. Silly silly me.
  7. Feanor 3/05/2005 2:40 PM
    Wow you were serious about that one weren't you? Round is most definetly a shape too, or so those that are tell me :)

Something to say?