Luddie's Former Life ;)
Houston, the Shiny has landed.

Someone to... admire!

By Luddie

That was a note of derision, not a sheep in my room.

Anyway, I *have* to think of someone I admire before I go to class today.. because I have to be prepared to talk about them for 2 or 3 minutes in Spanish. And my problem, believe it or not, is not assembling my thoughts in Spanish, but thinking of someone to admire! I know admire tons of people.

At first I wanted to pick our Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. I do respect her, but then when I tried to express why in Spanish I couldn't be specific enough. And the whole point is to be simple because people should understand what I'm saying and I need to be able to express it simply because I stink at Spanish. :D

Paige suggested last night, before I'd really thought about who I'd pick, that I choose Johnny Depp, as this would allow me to do Pirates of the Caribbean impersonations for 3 minutes and thus avoid the whole Spanish issue altogether.

So while I'm thinking of this, I'll blog about my weekened. :D Church was surprisingly not filled to the brim on Easter Sunday. Dex and I got dressed up in ties and jackets and drove down, and actually got there *early*. Wow, yeah, I know. Shrug sat down beside us with a basket full of rather delicious looking foods, whereupon Dex and I asked him where he got it.

"Oh, Sunday school."

I looked at Dex. "We have to start coming to Sunday school."

Bolt, sitting next to us, rolled his eyes. "Well, Ludwhig, glad you're coming to Sunday school for all the right reasons!"


Oh, and lest I forget, I *must* record a most exciting piece of news... I tied my own tie today!!!

This is huge! Never been done before! And I had absolutely no help!

I've really started thinking hard about graduate school. It's getting to the point where it would be nice to get a general idea of where I'm going with this whole history degree thing. I can't decide whether I should pick some job way out there and just steer for it, or just take things one step at a time with just whatever college plans suit me. I could do nearly anything out there that a person could do with this degree and the frustrating part is I wouldn't necessarily be opposed to any of it. So how to choose. Because even though I don't have to choose now... well yeah, it'd be nice if I could.

At least just to be able to tell people "oh, I'll go here for grad school and study this." Which still says nothing about my future job.

Or as Geoff likes to say... "McDonald's, here I come!"

I have to finish a paper for Western Civ today (yeah, you know, that class i never had to take). :D

The paper is about the eugenics and "social sterilization" that the Nazi party was investigating before and during World War 2. It involved going to an online exhibit of the national Holocaust Memorial Museum, which as you can imagine got me all depressed Saturday. Thankfully it's almost done.

Newspaper meeting tonight, that's always fun. I don't know at what point it happened this semester, but I've become strangely very attached to the newspaper. I went into this semester thinking I'd probably not touch the newspaper again and now I unquestionably want to do it next year, even without class credit. It's probably some form of mind manipulation -- you know Shroud and Bolt are good at those sorts of things.

Hmmm... that's all the random things, homework-procrastinating writings I have left in my head... so I best get back to thinking of whom I admire.

::thinks for a few minutes about whether it should be "of who" or "of whom" before finally saying "meh, who cares" and clicking Publish Post::

2 comments so far.

  1. C. Bright 3/30/2005 8:55 PM
    Poisonally, I like "of whom" better. Classy. As to the admiration question, isn't it obvious?! Go back to that ballast of cinema, the Princess Bride, waltz into class and say,

    "Mi nombre es Inigo Montoya. Usted mató a mi padre. Prepare a morir!" Who could you admire more?

    (For those who either didn't know Spanish or that dorky movie, see Mr. Count for the translation.)
  2. Luddie 3/30/2005 9:01 PM
    hah! :D

Something to say?