Luddie's Former Life ;)
Houston, the Shiny has landed.

school again

By Luddie
Yes, we made it back alive from Dallas. We basically chilled a lot and hung around Geoff's house and his grandparents. We didn't do much jaw-droppingly exciting after the Phantom of the Opera, but that's what spring break is for, right?

I just found the Phantom movie soundtrack on Rhapsody, so I'm jamming down to that. Also, Geoff, Pebble and I decided we were going to rig up a stereo in our bedroom so that when Dex climbs into bed tonight, the Phantom of the Opera theme will come crashing in like... well... a chandalier maybe.

I'll let you know if we *actually* do it. :D

Ack, and all my writing is being affected by AP style, which our newspaper uses. I noticed that above, when I was doing a noun list (Geoff, Pebble and I) I didn't put a comma after Pebble, which is AP style. I *always* used to put a comma there and now I don't without even thinking. Evil newspaper!

Hrm, I just spilled cranberry juice all over some semi-important school papers so I'll just end here and catch you later! :D

2 comments so far.

  1. quirky 3/21/2005 12:58 AM
    bummer. good luck with the chandelier scheme
  2. Suzanne 3/22/2005 8:45 PM
    I edit papers for college students at Indiana University sometimes and I was working on a student's paper last night and saw that his prof had added a comma before the the "and" in a series. This paper was for a psych class which goes with the APA style. Go figure - there will always be other grammar opinions out there. #P

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