Luddie's Former Life ;)
Houston, the Shiny has landed.

the new look

By Luddie
Well, I still have a few refinements to make, but I thought this was close enough to put it live. Editing these blogs is sure an exercise in code-reading... I've probably worked more with Java putting this blog together than I have any other computing project, ever. And I never even really learned Java. :D

For those interested, I used Blogger's Lighthouse template as the starting point for this one. And a little Photoshop magic.

4 comments so far.

  1. Suzanne 4/01/2005 3:58 PM
    It's very weird and scary. Ooooo !!
  2. C. Bright 4/01/2005 5:11 PM
    Well, I wouldn't say that, but very, different and jazzy.

    And dude, I thought that java was something to have with biscotti. But then if it took a lot of that to complete this project, I could see that too.
  3. Anonymous 4/01/2005 11:03 PM
    I like it, Ludwhig!
  4. quirky 4/02/2005 2:32 AM
    sweet new look dude. no i meant your blog. gosh i'm going to have to start contemplating a fresh style as well. later!

Something to say?