gimme a yeehaw
Drat! Forgot to post it on March 2, but March 2, 1836 was the original TEXAS INDEPENDENCE DAY
Dr. Johnson (teacher of Texas & the American West) brought three extremely fine Texas delicacies to class the day before, considering our class didn't fall on the exact day. Oh well, no reason to skip out on the festivities. It's times like that I wish I had a camera. :D
Homemade vanilla flavor blue bell ice cream, dr. pepper, and of course, big red. Lecturing on the republic of texas government had never been so... tasty.
Dr. Johnson (teacher of Texas & the American West) brought three extremely fine Texas delicacies to class the day before, considering our class didn't fall on the exact day. Oh well, no reason to skip out on the festivities. It's times like that I wish I had a camera. :D
Homemade vanilla flavor blue bell ice cream, dr. pepper, and of course, big red. Lecturing on the republic of texas government had never been so... tasty.
I'll definately give you a "YEEHAAAAW" for the ol' Lone Star State!!!
MAN, you don't know how much i wish i was in your history class. for one day. for ice cream and dr pepper and big red. but i keep dr pepper and big red stashed in my room (still have about 20) and plenty of ice cream at the cafe (fancy way of saying cafeteria). though it sounds even more fancy to say Grand Central Station. which is it's name, but it's far from grand... :-P