Luddie's Former Life ;)
Houston, the Shiny has landed.

Even more DSL! :D

By Luddie
Oh how I appreciate it, considering our school network service.

I ran down to the hotel front desk, got a CAT5 cable, and here am I. Wootage.

There have been rumors, however, that as of this current semester, a brand new T3 system has been installed in place of our previous 3 T1's. It *should* be far superior, but we shall see indeed how our distinguished (extenguished?) IT department handles this new toy.

2 comments so far.

  1. Anonymous 1/06/2005 11:02 AM
    Beware of trains and small dogs.
  2. Luddie 1/09/2005 2:27 PM
    Furball to get his own Blogger account. ^^

Something to say?