Luddie's Former Life ;)
Houston, the Shiny has landed.

Ah the irony

By Luddie
So yesterday Spork and I had to go down to Facilities Services for work. A large shipment of roughly 60 boxes had come in and we were to take them from the warehouse floor onto pallets located up a flight of stairs. (To be honest, I'm surprised I can't quote you the exact number of steps since I walked up them so many times.)

These boxes were full of those heavy, glossy-paper brochures that the University sends out to inquiring folks. So, in the absence of a forklift, we got started. A mere five minutes into the operation, we were sweating and puffing, amused at doing this when our job description is "Data Entry Clerks."

Spork commented, while carrying up nearly 2-thousand brochures in his arms, that the stairs were like "climbing a mountain, except with way too much humidity." Something like that, yeah. :|

We had noted, on our repeated trips up and down the stairs, that about a dozen theater chairs of different styles were lying in rows on the warehouse floor. A door opened, and in came Dr. Austin, the University president, with his cabinet and other members of the upper executives. They were testing the chairs and debating their respective qualities for use in the soon-to-be constructed assembly buildling.

So here we were, 2 underclassmen, panting and grunting for our lowly wages, while the President enumerated the qualities of $150 and $300 chairs. The irony was supreme.

Needless to say, they took no notice of us and we did not receive the hoped-for forklift... or raise. :D

2 comments so far.

  1. Suzanne 1/14/2005 3:27 AM
    60? Wow, that was alot of boxes to have to haul.
  2. Anonymous 1/18/2005 2:43 PM
    The first shall be last and the last first. He who humbles himself like a little child, the same is great in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Something to say?