Ooooh, vamps!
Last night I saw Interview with the Vampire. Fun movie. I watched it alone at my computer with my headphones on because no one else in my suite really wanted to see it. My roomie Schmorgan said it was "really messed up." Well, I will admit to a very small, well-contained fascination with vampires, so I couldn't resist.
Who would've thought Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, and a young Kirsten Dunst could make such a happy little vampire family? The 200 year span of the movie was really cool, and Antonio Banderas makes a great French theatrical vamp. I couldn't help thinking of cute 'lil Puss-N-Boots though. :D
And now for the gratuitous quiz...
Take the quiz: "Which Interview with a Vampire character are u?"

Lestat de Lioncourt is a vampire made in Paris, France a long time ago.Lestat was born into a royal family. Although he family was not very rich, he was not poor.One of Lestat's amazing feats before becoming a vampire is that he killed a pack of wolves with a sword without anyway to escape when he was around 20.Lestat made Gabrielle, his mother, Nicholas, this didn't work so well because Nicky turned crazy afterwards and killed himself by jumping in fire, Louis, a New Orleans planter, and Claudia a child whose mother was killed by the plague. He was almost killed twice by Claudia.
Who would've thought Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, and a young Kirsten Dunst could make such a happy little vampire family? The 200 year span of the movie was really cool, and Antonio Banderas makes a great French theatrical vamp. I couldn't help thinking of cute 'lil Puss-N-Boots though. :D
And now for the gratuitous quiz...
Take the quiz: "Which Interview with a Vampire character are u?"
Lestat de Lioncourt is a vampire made in Paris, France a long time ago.Lestat was born into a royal family. Although he family was not very rich, he was not poor.One of Lestat's amazing feats before becoming a vampire is that he killed a pack of wolves with a sword without anyway to escape when he was around 20.Lestat made Gabrielle, his mother, Nicholas, this didn't work so well because Nicky turned crazy afterwards and killed himself by jumping in fire, Louis, a New Orleans planter, and Claudia a child whose mother was killed by the plague. He was almost killed twice by Claudia.